Giulia Holland

Nourishing People and Places



Pain, discomfort, achey muscles, or soreness in any part of your body, is tiring and can become chronic; it can impact your daily life and overall well-being.

By working together, we can discover what is underlying the pain, which may help to dimish its impact. It can feel frustrating as we feel its constraints. Supporting the body with the right supplements, specifically-tested through muscle-testing, is one very effective way to help - the body chooses which supplements through muscle-testing, and indicates which ones, how much to take and even what % benefit you can expect.

It may well be that the body has allergies that are causing pain. These are a symptom, which we can alleviate in the short-term by avoiding a substance and in the longterm may lead to a gradual change in outlook on your health. A move away from pain-killers and a willingness to unearth old emotional ties with the past. It may be that your overall mineral balance is out, and like turning the thermostat on your health I can encourage you towards a deeper understanding of what your body needs.

Did you know that we are not supposed to store iron? And definitely not supplement it.... it is one of the lead causes of oxidative stress in the body (and therefore pain). It is believed that TB was attracted to iron-rich areas of land and people and that those confined at home with iron stoves were breathing in iron oxide day and night as did their carers (so was it contagion or exposure?)

Together we can separate the myths we grew up with, from the realities of what our bodies are being exposed to in this modern day soup of toxins.

Please don't hesitate to share your concerns and experiences related to pain. We're here to help you work towards a more comfortable and balanced state of being.

Discover more

Find out more about ways to combat pain.

Massage and Bodywork

“The de-stress scalp and neck massage was the most magical treatment. Total relaxation induced by the skillful hands of an expert practitioner. I’ve had many treatments on many continents. This was the best.” F Lynne

The more stressful your life, the more you need the uplifting experience of a massage, facial or energy balance.

Gut healing

Heal, restore and promote wellbeing

Improvement and recovery can be supported through the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) gut healing nutritional protocol benefitting very small children to adults, and the effects of gut dysbiosis are far-reaching. An unhealthy gut can cause a myriad of problems because 90% of all cells and genetic material in the human body is gut flora - a complex mass of microbes residing in your digestive system.

In a healthy person these are dominated by beneficial microbes in harmony with your body, making sure you are well-nourished, protected from pathogens and toxins with a healthy immune system.

In a GAPS person the gut flora is dominated by pathogenic microbes causing multiple health problems.


Feel good from the inside out

I usually don’t need reminding if I’ve been behaving badly. I know I need some help, and it can really put my life in perspective again!

I can be full of blame or shame and guilt, isolation or fear about my bad behavoir, or how I was treated. A big one as you get older, is how stupid you can feel around technology, or the clumsiness of menopause. It may be that we need to revisit painful trauma, childhood experiences or habitual patterns of behavoir. I use Health Kinesiology which uses muscle testing to ask the body what it needs to rebalance itself; it can balance your emotions and take the charge out of them, has ways to support your immune system and can find individual biochemical pathways that can make a huge difference.

Some of this may be connected to your physical organs and the story you're telling yourself diminishes considerably once I work on them. This is how I connect your issues with Chinese medicine (TCM); each organ is associated in TCM with a taste, a sound, an emotion and a season.

An injury or illness can make you feel less confident and a bit silly; you are in good company. The patterns in our lives can shape us or make us; luckily once we get to face them, they have a habit of becoming easier.